Health Trends to Monitor in 2022

Health Trends to Monitor in 2022

2022 presents many exciting challenges, opportunities and innovations in the complex world of healthcare! Hoag Executive Health is proud to have a team of world-class physicians who continuously work to stay informed and ahead of the trends that are shaping medicine. 

Our enhanced clinical services combine medicine and technology, providing comprehensive and cutting-edge testing that gives patients the most efficient ways to achieve and maintain optimal health. 

Here, we have gathered our thoughts on health trends to monitor in 2022:


No matter how far we progress in our understanding of health, it will always boil down to the basics of a good lifestyle, like having a healthy diet.

Mental Health

The psychological effects of the COVID pandemic will continue and our mental health resources will continue to be impacted.


Increased need for reliance on tools like mindfulness and meditation. The number of people practicing meditation has tripled since 2012, and the trend seems to show that number continuing to climb. Read more about the benefits of meditation here!

An increased emphasis on healthy sleep.


People will continue to explore options outside of traditional allopathic medicine.


Advancements in tech will range from ongoing improvements in:

  • Wearables, data collection, potential for earlier intervention in health to transform health outcomes.
  • 3d printed microneedles that could serve as a platform for noninvasive, self applicable vaccines.
  • Artificial intelligence, precision medicine.
  • Increasing use of predictive analytics and AI for both medical diagnostic use and care management.
  • Connecting the hospital to the home. Beyond wearables, the ability to evaluate and monitor patients remotely will help to shorten hospital stays and keep people home where they can be more comfortable, and recover faster using less resources.
Digital Health

Telehealth became more acceptable from a patient, a provider, and an insurance perspective, but so did the exploration of apps to treat health issues.

Pushing healthcare facilities further out to where patients live and work.  Deploying things like “diagnostic hubs” and “virtual care stations.”

Concierge Medicine

Increased demand for Concierge Medicine with pressure placed on primary care due to reduced PCP supply and increased access pressure.

Discover the Hoag Executive Health difference today!

Ready to gain more insight into your health than ever before? Call (949) 202-4923 to come visit our state-of-the-art facility today!

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