Still have more questions? Fill out the form below or call us at 949-202-4923 to get your questions answered now.
Is the Executive Health Exam only for executives? expand_more
The Executive Health Exam is for anyone looking for a personalized in-depth analysis of your current health, disease detection and prevention, or those looking to set goals for a healthy lifestyle.
What is the difference between an Executive Health exam and an annual physical offered through my primary care physician? expand_more
We provide a variety of tests in one day at our facility to eliminate traveling to various locations. Our physical examination includes In-depth diagnostic testing, nutritional and fitness evaluation, and quality face time with a top-ranked Hoag physician and care team, allowing for a complete analysis of your current health state with an actionable roadmap towards your wellness goals.
What happens during my exam? expand_more
On the day of your exam, you will have a dedicated care team guiding you through the entire process and diagnostic testing. Breakfast and lunch will be provided thought the day in your dedicated private lounge. We will give a detailed itinerary with instructions to help you prepare for the exam.